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Enterprise Zone bid to bolster west Herts economy

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The zone could also attract hundreds of new businesses and help unlock key development sites.

Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) along with St Albans City and District Council and Dacorum Borough Council has submitted the bid to the Government.

It is for an Enviro-Tech Enterprise Zone to bolster the economy in rural west Hertfordshire.

The bid concentrates on the LEP’s priority sectors for economic growth, with the emphasis on environmental technology.

If successful, the Enterprise Zone will help to support and develop the existing enviro-tech sector in west Hertfordshire. It will also help to attract more businesses to the area thanks to its excellent national and international transport links.

The multi-site bid covers Maylands Business Park, Hemel Hempstead, and land in Dacorum Borough, west of Green Lane. Other sites include underused land and buildings at the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and Rothamsted Research.

The bid also addresses potential economic development land near Buncefield, identified in the St Albans consultation draft strategic Local Plan, but still subject to the Local Plan process.

The projects have been developed in response to the Government’s invitation to LEPs across England to bid for new enterprise zones in partnership with local authorities. This was announced in the summer Budget. 

There are currently 24 Enterprise Zones in England.  The Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department for Business will decide what schemes will get the go-ahead later this year.

Benefits for companies operating in Enterprise Zones can include discounted business rates. The wider benefits for communities include attracting business and creating jobs.

A meeting of St Albans City and District Council’s Cabinet on Thursday 24 September was briefed about the application.

LEP Board Member, Councillor Julian Daly, who is also Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation for St Albans City and District Council, said: “We are long-term champions of the Green Triangle’s aim to make the most of the green technology ‘know how’ of BRE, Rothamsted and the University Of Hertfordshire.  An Enviro-Tech Enterprise Zone will help us advance the Green Triangle’s agenda.

“It can bring new firms and highly skilled jobs to the county which will be welcome.” 

The Green Triangle is a partnership organisation involving three leading research institutes - BRE, Rothamsted Research and the University of Hertfordshire.

Supported by St Albans Council and Oaklands College, the Green Triangle aims to establish Hertfordshire as a globally renowned centre of excellence in green technology.

More details about Enterprise Zones are available at:

More details about the Green Triangle are available at:

Councillor contact:

Cllr Julian Daly, Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation, St Albans City and District Council 

Tel: 01582 715645 Email:

Contacts for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 


Lucy Gravatt, Communications and Engagement Manager, Hertfordshire LEP

Tel: 01707 358662; E-mail:

NOTE: About Hertfordshire LEP.

Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership is one of 39 LEPs across the country, tasked by the Government to drive forward sustainable private sector growth and job creation. Its Strategic Economic Plan focuses on three Growth Areas. These have been defined spatially around the principal road and rail corridors of the M1/M25, A1 (M) and M11/A10.

The Hertfordshire Enviro-Tech Enterprise Zone application is for west Hertfordshire, which falls within the M1/M25 Growth Area.  

Find out more about Hertfordshire LEP at