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Council's priority projects

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Embracing new technology to make services more efficient and easier to access is one of St Albans City and District Council’s new priority projects for 2016/17.

The Council intends to adopt the latest digital devices to save money and make it easier for residents to use services such as planning, car parking and housing.

Reviewing options for developing Harpenden Sports Centre and Swimming Pool and Abbey View athletics track, in St Albans, are the other priorities added to the Council’s Corporate Plan.

The 2016-21 Plan is to be reviewed at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on Tuesday 20 October along with the Budget for the next financial year.

Cabinet is likely to recommend that for the eighth year in a row there will be no increase in the District element of Council Tax. Savings of £700,000 have been identified to balance the books.

The Corporate Plan sets out the Council’s aims and priorities for the next five years. The other priority projects for 2016-17 are to:

• Progress the Strategic Local Plan which will set out what kind of development can take place in the District and where in the years to 2031;

• Redevelop the Town Hall as a new museum and gallery;

• Continue to develop St Albans market;

• Push forward the development of the Civic Centre Opportunity Site around the Council’s offices;

• Work with local health partners over future decisions on hospital provision in St Albans;

• Accelerate recycling beyond 60%;

• Invest in staff to help improve planning and housing services;

• Progress the sheltered housing redevelopment programme;

• Develop three garage sites in Batchwood, St Albans, to provide affordable housing and identify other sites for similar work; and,

• Move to one contract for all major housing improvement works.

Councillor Alec Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Resources at St Albans City and District Council, said: “The Council agrees a Corporate Plan each year to identify key projects.

“We have delivered, or are on track to deliver, 22 projects promised in last year’s plan including the new Cotlandswick Leisure Centre in London Colney.

“There are three major new projects that are being added to the list. These include looking at options for developing Westminster Lodge running track and Harpenden Sports facilities.

“Our aim is to complete our priority projects and continue to deliver excellent services with no increase in the District Council’s element of Council Tax.”

Full Council will be asked to accept the Corporate Plan and Budget at its meeting in January. 

The overall Council Tax will be agreed in February when the Parish, Police and County elements are known.

St Albans City Neighbourhood Committee, which oversees the management of allotments and other local facilities within the City, has asked for an increase in its special expense charge.

The special expense charge is paid by residents of St Albans city for services similar to those provided by Parish Councils in the District.

Cabinet has passed this proposal on to full Council to decide.

The Cabinet papers including proposed Corporate Plan can be found at:

Councillor contact:

Cllr Alec Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Resources, St Albans City and District Council. 

Tel: 07793 550200 Email:

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 
