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Community Assets List Growing

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The Rats’ Castle pub has been listed as an Asset of Community Value by St Albans City and District Council.

Two more pubs in the District - the Red Cow and the John Bunyan  - are under consideration.

An Asset of Community Value (ACV) is land or property which is deemed to be of social importance to people living nearby.

If granted, an ACV is given limited protection from development or change of use.

Under the Localism Act 2010, voluntary and community organisations can nominate a building or area to be included on their local authority's ACV register.

The owner of an ACV has to inform the Council if they plan to sell the asset.

They are required to give community groups six months to raise money to purchase it, although the owner is not obliged to sell to them.

The Rats’ Castle, in Hatfield Road, St Albans, was nominated by the South Herts branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

They argued the pub was in the heart of the Fleetville community, hosted live music events and staged pool and darts contests.

CAMRA also nominated the Red Cow, Westfield Road, Harpenden, and the John Bunyan, Coleman Green Lane, near Wheathampstead.

The Council is due to make decisions on both applications shortly.

Details of the ACV register were given to a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on Tuesday 20 October.

Banner Homes has launched a second and final appeal against a Council decision to give ACV status to Bedmond Fields, off Bedmond Lane.

The first appeal was dismissed by a First Tier Tribunal in March 2015 and an Upper Tribunal is now to consider the decision.

An ACV was granted in April 2014 after a nomination by the Verulam Residents’ Association.

A review hearing is also pending over an ACV given to The Camp pub, Camp Road, St Albans.

Councillor Beric Read, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Localism for St Albans City and District Council, said: “We are receiving more ACV applications from community groups seeking to protect buildings and land from development.

“We understand people’s desire to keep their communities thriving and maintain their quality of life.

“Applications are dealt with through a fair but set process, so not all applications will result in an ACV.”

Councillor contact:

Councillor Beric Read, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Localism for St Albans City and District Council.

 Mob: 07956 220264. Email:

Councillor contact:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council.


Tel: 01727 296130