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New deal for street traders

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Street traders with something new to offer St Albans shoppers are to be given the chance to operate on non-market days.

St Albans City and District Council has increased the number allowed on St Peter’s Street from four to six at any one time outside of market days.

The idea is to give opportunities to new businesses, innovative entrepreneurs and stallholders with something different or unusual to sell.

Council officers have the discretion to refuse applications from traders selling a product or service that is already catered for.

The decision to increase the number was taken by the Council’s Licensing and Regulatory Committee after a public consultation.

Councillor Maxine Crawley, Chair of the Committee, said: “This is all about creating a more diverse shopping experience and giving visitors more choice.

“Increasing the amount of traders from four to six is not going to result in a new market. They will be spread around and not in a cluster.

“What this will do is add to the atmosphere and vibrancy of the City Centre on non-market days. It also gives a chance to new businesses with bright ideas to give it a go.

“We will be looking for traders with exciting new products as we don’t want to see duplication of what’s already there. There’s a whole range of goods – arts and crafts, street foods, health and beauty – that we want to tap into.

“The existing market and street traders have nothing to fear from this and a lot to gain as we seek to increase the number of visitors to St Albans.”

Street traders are defined as people offering items for sale in the street such as flowers, artisan breads or jewellery or offering services such as picture framing.

They require a consent to operate from the Council and an increase from the four required a change to the Council’s Street Trading policy.

The public consultation received 17 responses with 11 in favour of the increase.

The current street trading policy can be viewed in full on:

More information on street trading can be found on:

Councillor Contact:

Councillor Maxine Crawley, Chair of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee of St Albans City & District Council. Email: Tel: 01582 793760 

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City & District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 
