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Join the Mayor for Harry Smith’s charity night

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St Albans Mayor invites you to join him for a fun and fundraising event at Club Batchwood, St Albans, from 7:30pm on Sunday 29 November.

During the evening, a raffle and auction for prizes including foreign holidays will raise funds for the Mayor’s charities, Keech Hospice Care and Rennie Grove Hospice Care. 

The event commemorates Harry Smith’s Wine Bar, a popular venue in St Albans for over 20 years until 2010. It was a regular meeting place for local people and business customers and often hosted footballers from Spurs and Arsenal. 

DJs and bartenders who previously worked at Harry Smith’s will make guest appearances at the event.

Cllr Salih Gaygusuz, Mayor of St Albans City and District, said: “Please join me for this fun event for charity. Everyone is welcome whether or not you’ve been to Harry Smith’s. We are celebrating the past and looking forward to the future. Many of Harry’s friends tell us that it was more than a bar, with a friendly atmosphere that we want to share with new friends. So why not come along for a great evening and help raise funds for two wonderful charities.”

Tickets for the night are on sale at £5 each from St Albans Tourist and Information Centre and from Club Batchwood, St Albans. All proceeds go to Keech Hospice Care and Rennie Grove Hospice Care.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Councillor Salih Gaygusuz

Contact for the Mayor’s office: 

Alison Orde, the Mayor’s Civic Officer 

Tel: 01727 819544 


Contact for the press:

Ruth Boyer, Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council

Tel: 01727 819316 


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More information about Keech Hospice Care, Hertfordshire’s children’s hospice, can be found on its website.

More information about Rennie Grove Hospice Care can be found on its website.

Photo:  Cllr Salih Gaygusuz in the days when he was owner and manager of Harry Smith’s Bar