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Local Plan consultation agreed

Publication date:

People who live and work in the St Albans District will be able to have their say about how development will be managed up to 2036.

The consultation will take place from Tuesday 9 January to Wednesday 21 February next year.

It will give residents the chance to understand and comment on the issues and options associated with growth in housing and business. 

Exhibitions detailing different options for delivering growth in a new Local Plan and the associated issues will be held across the District.   

Councillors and Planning Officers from St Albans City and District Council will be available to explain and discuss the issues.

A video explaining the process will be made available on the Council’s website along with key background documents.

The District’s 60,000 households will be sent a questionnaire asking them to give their views as will businesses and other organisations.  People will also be able to do the survey online.

The Local Plan identifies what land will be used for future residential and commercial developments. It also specifies the infrastructure, such as roads and schools, required to support growth. .

The Government is currently proposing a target of 14,608 new homes to be built during the period 2020-36 - the equivalent of 913 a year.

The Council’s Cabinet approved the arrangements for the consultation at its meeting on Thursday 23 November.

If all goes to schedule, a draft Local Plan will be considered by Full Council next summer, consulted on again next autumn and submitted for examination in March 2019.

Councillor Mary Maynard, Portfolio Holder for Planning, said: “We have not wasted any time in moving on with this new Local Plan process.

“We have had talks with the Secretary of State’s officials, neighbouring local authorities and other interested parties. I am pleased we can now start the public consultation in January.

“I urge everyone interested in the future shape of the District to attend one of the exhibitions or to take a look at the questionnaire when it is issued before giving us their opinions and suggestions.

“We have some very difficult decisions to make about where thousands of new homes should be built and how new developments can be sustained.

“We are looking for people who live and work in the District to help us with that important task.  We need their input to help us decide.”

The Council has identified six options for delivering growth.

Around 5,000 new homes are likely to be built on land within the City and in our existing towns and villages.

Other options include expanding existing villages or towns into Green Belt, building on other large sites that contribute least to Green Belt objectives or creating new Garden Villages.

Locations and times for the exhibitions will be published on the Council’s website when they are finalised:

The papers for the Cabinet meeting are available on 

Councillor contact:
Cllr Mary Maynard, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Building Control, St Albans City and District Council. Tel: 01582 620801. Email:

Media contact: 
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council. Tel: 01727 296130, Email: