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August News Bulletin: Mayor of St Albans

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Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Rosemary Farmer, has visited an arts project and opened a summer event for a local care home.

10 July – Historical experience for the Mayor at charity fundraiser

The history behind the building housing Cote Brasserie was recently revealed to guests at a charity dinner hosted by St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society. During the meal at the restaurant, guests were treated to a talk by Alderman Kate Morris about the building – a high-status house at 3 High Street, built circa 1700. Elizabeth Rolfe also gave the guests a tour of Vintry Garden, formerly the gardens to the house, but now a public space. The Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Rosemary Farmer, said: “This was a fascinating evening where we learned about the history behind this fine landmark building in St Albans.” Profits from the event are being donated to St Albans Museum and Galleries Trust.

22 July – Mayor opens BBQ fundraiser for care home

A barbecue and tombola were among the entertainment at a summer fundraiser held at The Abbeyfield St Albans Society’s care home Grace Muriel House. Opening the event the Mayor, as Patron, congratulated the staff, volunteers and directors on achieving an ‘Outstanding’ rating for the care home following a recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission. She said: “It was a wonderful afternoon enjoyed by residents, staff and volunteers alike. The event helped raise money for activities and sensory equipment for the residents.” The home was opened in 1972 to provide housing and residential care to the elderly. 

2 Aug – Mayor visits Arts on Prescription project 

An arts project aimed at boosting the mental wellbeing of participants was celebrated at a special open day at Trestle Arts Base earlier this month.

The Arts on Prescription programme has been funded by the St Albans Health and Wellbeing Partnership for people experiencing poor mental health. The Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Rosemary Farmer, said: “I was really impressed with the artwork on display and enjoyed chatting to participants about how the project has helped boost their self-esteem.” The Mayor also joined in a discussion on improving mental wellbeing through art. The Arts on Prescription programme was delivered by the St Albans Arts team, working in partnership with Trestle Arts Base.

The Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Rosemary Farmer; St Albans MP Anne Main (centre)

Celebrating Arts on Prescription: The Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Rosemary Farmer; St Albans MP Anne Main (centre); Arts on Prescription participants, arts co-ordinators and representatives from Public Health Hertfordshire County Council and Mind in Mid Herts.



25 August – Mayor to open revamped gardens at care home

The Mayor has been invited to cut a cake to celebrate a new-look for the gardens at Lyndon House, a Salvation Army care home for people living with dementia. The gardens were recently given a makeover with the help of volunteers. There is now fresh planting and new features including a gazebo, a garden path, a vegetable patch and a sensory area under a pergola. The St Albans care home aims to provide residents with mental and spiritual stimulation as well as physical care.

1 September – Mayor to draw raffle at Earthworks Summer Fair

The Mayor is to draw the raffle at a fundraising Summer Fair for Earthworks St Albans. Earthworks St Albans is a charity that supports people who have learning disabilities through horticultural work. It runs various projects at its Hixberry Lane site, including a market garden, apple orchards, woodworking area, craft making and other activities.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Councillor Rosemary Farmer

Contact for the Mayor’s office:
Alison Orde, the Mayor’s Civic Officer 
Tel: 01727 819544, Email:

Contact for the media:
Amanda Wilkinson, Senior Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819317, E-mail: 

Note: More information about the Mayor is available on the website for St Albans City and District Council.