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Referendum on Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan

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Residents in Harpenden are to be asked to vote in a referendum on a neighbourhood plan that identifies land for future development.

They are being given the chance to either approve the plan – produced by Harpenden Town Council (HTC) – or reject it.

Among the issues covered by the plan are future housing and commercial building, sustainable design, transport, infrastructure and community facilities.

If the plan gains majority support it will form part of the Local Plan (LP) for the whole District that is being devised by St Albans City and District Council (SADC).  It will not come into force if there is a ‘no’ vote or a tie.

The referendum, due to take place in late January or early February next year, was approved by SADC’s Cabinet at its meeting on Thursday 18 October.

Neighbourhood Plans are community-led initiatives that enable local people to shape and direct sustainable development in their area.

The Cabinet accepted minor recommendations by an independent Examiner who was required by statute to look at the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan. The referendum is the next step in the legal process.

Councillor Mary Maynard, SADC’s Portfolio Holder for Planning, said: “I am delighted that the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan has now reached the referendum stage.

I urge everyone in Harpenden to take a look at the Neighbourhood Plan and use their vote in the forthcoming referendum.”

For more information about the Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan, see:

For information about the draft Local Plan for the District, see:


Councillor contact: Cllr Mary Maynard, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Building Control, St Albans City and District Council. Tel: 01582 620801, Email:

Media contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council.
Tel: 01727 296130, E-mail: