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New garden waste service

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A new garden waste service is being launched for householders in the St Albans District to help them recycle excess material.

Currently, St Albans City and District Council’s waste contractor Veolia can only empty one green wheeled-bin or two reusable bags at each property.

Under the new scheme, residents will be able to pay an annual subscription to have up to three extra bins or six reusable bags emptied during the normal collection.

The cost is £50 a year for each bin or two of the reusable bags which are available to homes in conservation areas.

This new service is primarily aimed at people with large gardens which produce above average amounts of cut grass, hedge clippings and other such waste.

Veolia will still empty one green bin or two reusable bags a fortnight at properties at no charge beyond the Council Tax residents pay to support public services.

Stickers will be issued to residents who subscribe to identify the extra bins to Veolia crews.

Residents can only subscribe online for the year from Monday 1 April to the end of March next year through a MyStAlbans District Account.

Payments can be made now and the bins and bags can be used as soon as they are delivered.

Councillor Frances Leonard, Portfolio Holder for the Environment, said:

Most people find one green bin is more than adequate to cope with their garden waste.

However, there are some people who produce more and this new subscription service is being provided in response to their needs.  

I’m sure it will be a big help to them as they will be able to recycle the excess waste in return for a modest annual subscription that allows us to fund the service. We will still, of course, empty one green bin per household at no charge.

All the garden waste we collect is turned into compost for use in farming, so we will be making the best possible use of it.

More than 6,000 households have already signed up to a MyStAlbans account that allows them to access a wide range of Council services online.

To create an account and find out more information, see:

Councillor contact:
Cllr Frances Leonard,
Portfolio Holder for the Environment for St Albans City and District Council.
Tel:  01727 861860

Contact for the media: 
John McJannet,
Principal Communications Officer,
St Albans City & District Council 
Tel: 01727 296130 