We are supporting Clean Air Night on Wednesday 22 January!
Residents and businesses in St Albans District are urged to avoid wood burning and back Clean Air Night on Wednesday 22 January.
St Albans City and District Council is again supporting the global campaign which highlights the dangers of wood burning.
Lighting fires at home has become the largest source of small particle air pollution in the UK.
Research shows it causes significant harm to people’s health with smoke from wood burning being a cause of life-threatening heart and lung disease as well as other illnesses.
Smoke also damages the planet as it creates more harmful CO2 emissions than other forms of heating.
In addition, research has shown that burning wood is almost always more expensive than other forms of heating.
As well as refraining from burning wood on Clean Air Night, people are asked to be conscious of the impact doing so throughout the year.
The campaign is organised by the environmental charity Global Action Plan and is supported by many other local authorities around the country.
Councillor Raj Visram, the Council’s Lead for Climate, said:
Wood burning seems like a natural source of heat and people do like the idea of sitting around a roaring fire.
However, we want to make our residents aware that wood burning has become the largest source of small particle air pollution in Britain.
Smoke is a significant health hazard, damages the general environment and is a more expensive way of heating your home than conventional means.
Those people who do rely on wood for their heating should only use approved wood or other ready-to-burn materials. They should also ensure their appliance is regularly serviced and eco-design accredited.
Cllr Visram added:
We hope our residents and businesses do support this important campaign by keeping the District’s skies clean on Wednesday 22 January and for the rest of the year.
More information about Clean Air Night, including the latest research on wood burning, can be found on the campaign website.
Media Contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, 01727 819533, john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.