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Council speeds up its Local Plan process

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The government is currently consulting on a revised National Planning Policy Framework which, should it be implemented fully, will have major implications for Local Plans, the blueprints for future development in local areas. 

Local Plans set out the policies underpinning development and the sites where future homes, schools, businesses, health facilities and parks will be permitted. St Albans City and District Council planned to submit its draft Local Plan by April 2025. However, in light of the proposed changes to national planning law, the Council now plans to bring the timing forward. 

Without doing so, the Council would be forced to delay submission by 2-3 years in order to identify sites for a further 11,000 homes that the new government proposals require. The Council recognises the urgent need for housing locally, particularly family sized starter and social homes, and any delay will have serious consequences on its ability to get these delivered. It would also mean that the Council will be much less able to defend areas of the Green Belt where most potential harm from development would be caused. 

Cllr Paul de Kort, Chair of the Council’s Planning Policy and Climate Committee, which is overseeing the development of the new Local Plan, said: 

The Council must have a robust new Local Plan in place as soon as possible, especially given the government’s   proposed reforms. A vast amount of work has been done over the last three years to bring us to the point where we have sites that could provide the 15,000 homes for this District that we were required to put forward. It is a plan that will contain details of the necessary transport, school and health infrastructure that should accompany the housing provision; along with statements about the type of homes to be offered. There will also be the maximum environmental protection allowed.

To achieve this accelerated timetable for submission, the Planning Policy and Climate Committee meeting scheduled for 3 October will be brought forward to 23 September. Should the Committee agree, the draft Local Plan Regulation 19 technical consultation will begin on 26 September and continue for 6 weeks. Feedback from the Regulation 19 technical consultation will be considered by the Planning Policy and Climate Committee on 28 November, when it will also consider submission of the Plan to government. 

Full Council will consider the content of the draft Plan in the autumn.

Cllr de Kort concluded:

By bringing forward the timetable for the Local Plan, the Council has the best chance of getting a new Local Plan agreed ahead of the government’s new deadline. This will set the strategic foundation needed both to defend St Albans District from ad hoc building in the Green Belt and to set out the policies that will mean any future development meets strict guidelines for sustainable development. It will mean many more homes locally of the type that are in severe shortage, with the infrastructure and local green spaces needed to support them too.

Further details about our developing Local Plan can be found here.

Media Contact:  John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer,