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Transport and Air Quality - Our Actions

Transport is one of the main sources of carbon emissions generated within the District with road transport accounting for approximately 35%. As well as being a source of greenhouse gas emissions, road transport is also the main source of air pollution in the St Albans District. 50% of all journeys taken in the county are less than two miles and many more could be undertaken by sustainable modes.

We are not the transport authority, but we work with Hertfordshire County Council and our community where we can, to encourage improvements to road and public transport. We will work to make positive changes, remove barriers, and make the most of opportunities to help create a system that is low carbon and sustainable.

Below are the main objectives we are working towards in our Sustainability and Climate Crisis Strategy 2024-27 along with our key achievements so far. 

We will reduce carbon emissions generated from the Council-owned and contractor fleet by improving efficiency and transitioning to low emission vehicles.

  • TAQ1: Decarbonise the Council fleet.

What we will do: 

  • Develop a low-carbon Fleet Replacement Plan.
    Install sufficient infrastructure to support the transition to electric vehicles for users of Council sites.

Achievements so far: 

  • Grounds Maintenance fleet has been upgraded to include four electric vehicles, one hybrid and one electric JCB for the Cemetery Service. In addition, John O’Conner are trialling the use of electric strimmers, blowers and hedge trimmers
  • Waste and Recycling contractor have and will continue to trial electric vehicles and are keeping abreast of developments in the technology.
  • We have purchased one electric street cleansing vehicle and Veolia are using electric blowers for street cleansing.  
  • Parking Service is now entirely electric, making up more than 50% of the Council's directly owned and managed fleet.
  • Other Council fleet will be replaced as they reach end of life.

Continue to reduce Council emissions from business travel by introducing and promoting a range of green travel options.

  • TAQ2 Decarbonise corporate travel emissions.

What we will do: 

  • Promote and encourage the use of the Council's electric vehicle pool cars.
  • Develop a Workplace Travel Plan to support staff and Councillors in reducing unnecessary travel and increasing sustainable modes of travel. This includes exploring options for incentivising lower-emission travel such as a salary sacrifice scheme for electric vehicles.

Achievements so far: 

  • Electric car club available to staff for work use
  • Cycle to Work (tax-free bike purchase) scheme introduced for staff. 
  • Council staff are equipped to work remotely, thereby reducing travel emissions. All staff now regularly attend virtual meetings instead of traveling unnecessarily.

Support the uptake of cycling and walking across the District, helping to improve the infrastructure and delivering the improvements set out in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

  • TAQ3 Promote active and sustainable travel and reduce the need for people to travel.

What we will do: 

  • Implement the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the District.
  • Work with Hertfordshire County Council to deliver joint projects to support active and sustainable travel.
  • Support community engagement to promote sustainable and active travel including working with schools, businesses and community groups.
  • Develop active and sustainable travel policies within the Local Plan that include new routes, design standards and cycle infrastructure and storage.

Achievements so far: 

  • St Albans City and District Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan was adopted in November 2023.
  • 4 cycle maintenance stands installed by HCC.
  • Travel Panel held in July 2024 to promote discussion around sustainable travel.

Work with communities, businesses, and County Council to encourage the switch to low emission vehicles by improving the electric vehicle charging infrastructure, proactively engaging with public transport providers, and supporting new sustainable transport alternatives.

  • TAQ4 Reduce transport emissions and support the transition to low-carbon vehicles.   

What we will do: 

  • Implement low-emission development policies within the Local Plan that encourage new public transport solutions and electric car charging points.
  • Support the delivery of EV charging infrastructure across the District.
  • Work with local taxi firms to encourage the switch to lower-emission vehicles.
  • Work with community rail partnerships to encourage travel by rail as an alternative to the car, including improving connections to and from railway stations.
  • Work with businesses to encourage and facilitate low carbon travel through advice, good practice and funding.
  • Ensure regular engagement with transport stakeholders and local forums.

Achievements so far: 

  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure installed to 18 additional car park spaces as well as to 6 new developments. 
  • EV car charging installed (or due to be installed) at new developments in Jenny Lane, Noke Shot, Cottonmill Community & Cycle Centre, and Jubilee Square developments. 
  • St Albans District Council will take ownership of 2 existing HCC owned chargers on Council land.
  • Taxi policy in place which includes the phasing out of petrol and diesel from licensed taxis as well as the reduction in fees for low emission vehicles. 
  • Enterprise Electric car club in place and available for Council staff and the public to use. 
  • Emissions-based parking introduced to incentivise moving to low emission vehicles.
  • We attend 2 Community Rail Partnerships.

Work to improve poor air quality in the District through tackling transport emissions.

  • TAQ5 Work with partners and the local community to improve air quality across the District.

What we will do: 

  • Update and implement the measures outlined in the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP).
  • Support Hertfordshire County Council initiatives to reduce air pollution and improve air quality. 

Achievements so far: 

  • District air quality monitoring results demonstrate sustained improvements at two Air Quality Management Areas. DEFRA has now approved the the revocation of Air Quality Management Area status. 
  • We supported HCC's air quality monitoring and engagement campaign including real time monitoring, air purification systems to schools and Clean Air Day and Night campaign to raise awareness of the impact of engine idling and wood burning on health. 
  • We have run extensive Idling Action St Albans campaigns to raise awareness of the impact of idling engines. Materials are still available for the community to use.