What is Litter
Litter is waste generated whilst we are out and about, typically sweet wrappers, crisp packet, drinks cans/bottles, cigarette ends and chewing gum. Dog waste is also classed as general waste.
Litter should be put in one of the many litter bins in the district - if there is not one in the immediate vicinity, litter should be carried even if that means all the way home.
Litter bins are not there as extra capacity for household waste and if a bin is frequently used for domestic rubbish or bags of refuse left beside it, the bin may be removed altogether.
Bags of household waste left beside a litter bin are classed as fly tipping and Enforcement action may be taken.
What we do within the contract Toggle accordion
Dropping litter is an offence and can result in a fine. We provide litter bins throughout the district to ensure that there is no excuse for leaving rubbish on the streets. These bins are intended for use by residents and visitors on-the-go. They must not be used for domestic or business waste. Bags of waste left around the bin may be investigated with a view to enforcement action.
To promote recycling, we have installed dual litter bins with a compartment for recycling cans, glass and plastic and a compartment for other waste, as well as on-street recycling bins. The bins are regularly checked and emptied. If you spot that one is overflowing or any other problem about litter bins, please let us know.
We can deal with instances of illegal adding of posters onto property (fly posting)
We aim to remove graffiti within seven to ten days of it being reported and within 24 hours if the graffiti is racist/offensive. For graffiti on private property the council may be able to remove it.
We will remove fly tipping or dumped items from verges, pavements next to roads and on council-owned land.
Our mobile barrow beat crews sweep, pick litter and empty litter bins in all shopping areas in the district daily. Litter is removed from main roads weekly and from all other roads on a monthly basis.
Current litter bins Toggle accordion
If there are any issues with current litter bins, damaged or overflowing, please contact us via email wastemanagementofficers@stalbans.gov.uk
The Litter Bin Strategy is our guidance for installing new litter bins.