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  • Ex Chief Executive James Blake

    St Albans Council Chief leaves to lead Youth Hostels Association

    James Blake, the Chief Executive of St Albans City and District Council, is to start a new job this July as Chief Executive of YHA (England and Wales).

  • St Albans High street

    CCTV success

    CCTV surveillance in St Albans has recently led to the arrest of suspected shoplifters, robbers, cash machine fraudsters and a drink driver.

  • Sheltered accomodation

    Home project underway

    A sheltered housing scheme in St Albans is to be redeveloped to create 40 modern homes for people who need the assistance of carers.

  • St Albans taxi driver suspended after complaints

    St Albans City and District Council has suspended a hackney carriage driver’s licence for 12 months after receiving public and police complaints about his driving.

  • Community Champion of the Year, Helen Fish, pictured with Cllr Leonard, the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans

    Mayor’s Pride Awards honour community stars

    A cyclist who inspires women to take to two wheels for fun and St Albans Signal Box Preservation Trust are among Mayor’s Pride Award winners in 2017.

  • Mayor Councillor Leonard in front of the Clock Tower

    St Albans Clock Tower opens to visitors on Easter weekend

    The Mayor will be the first to climb 93 steps to the top of St Albans Clock Tower after opening it up for the new visitor season.

  • Ye olde fighting cocks pub

    Concern for pubs

    Residents of St Albans have been urged to sign a petition calling for a reduction in the new business rates for pubs.

  • View of River Ver

    Action to protect key business space

    Plans to protect key business and office space in the St Albans District from being converted into flats and houses are to go out for consultation.